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Found: 411-416 result   |   total: 416
+36 (83) 501-5... Show
8380  Hévíz
Attila utca 1.
One of the largest therapeutic and wellness centres of Hévíz is the perfect site of professional conferences and team-building trainings for groups of 10 to 300 people. Thanks to its easy accessibility, the hotel is also suitable for hosting longer or shorter professional seminars. Thanks to our flexibly shaped halls and supplementary services, we offer ideal conditions suited to your needs. Whether it's a small-size workshop where your colleague...

Event halls (8) theatre banquet standing m2
Carmen Ball Room 300 240 350 400
Carmen I. 80 30 100 100
Carmen II. 120 80 125 144
Carmen III. 120 80 125 156
Julia Room 40 - 50 74
Romeo Room 80 - 90 108
Bazis 18 - 30 37
Winter Garden 60 - - 105
+36 (70) 397-0... Show
1122  Budapest XII.
Városmajor 6835/17 hrsz.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Dancing room 100 100 250 180
Grill terrace - - 100 100
+36 (66) 740-7... Show
5600  Békéscsaba
Orosházi utca 158.
Arcanum Hotel which was opened in 2014 isolated from the fast-moving world, awaits its guests with the peace and quiet of the several acres park in the suburb of Békéscsaba. Comfortable rooms, delicious dishes, relaxing wellness, and experienced staff guarantee the renewal of the body and soul. Idyllic environment, modern rooms, elegant restaurant, equipped event room: everything is given for a succesful event, be it a family (graduation, christe...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Arcanum Restaurant 100 80 80 125
Grillhouse - Event hall 75 50 50 100
+36 (30) 331-7... Show
2030  Érd
Simonpuszta 0134/1 hrsz.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 150 100 150 200
Restaurant Covered Terrace 100 70 100 120
Conference Hall 80 50 80 80
Event Venue Covered Terrace 90 60 90 100
+36 (1) 327-63... Show
1052  Budapest V.
Apaczai Csere J.U. 12-14.
Our hotel is located at one of the most imposing UNESCO world heritage sites of Budapest, on the most stunning riverbank walkway in the city called the Danube Promenade. You may find us in the proximity of architectural gems such as the Széchenyi Chain Bridge and the Parlament, with a direct view of the Buda Castle. Book one of our 402 elegantly appointed rooms and experience the art of hospitality for yourself!

Event halls (16) theatre banquet standing m2
Duna Salon II. 40 20 30 41
Duna Salon III. 40 20 30 39
Danube Salon IV. 18 20 20 27
Duna Salon I. 40 30 40 45
Panorama II+III+IV. - 120 150 167
Panorama V. 50 40 50 59
Ball room I+II+III 850 540 900 691
Ball room I+II 600 320 500 460
Ball room II+ III 600 320 500 460
Ball room I. 250 160 250 228
Ball room II. 250 160 250 232
Ball room III. 260 160 250 231
Panorama IV. 40 40 40 55
Panorama III. 40 40 40 56
Panorama II. 40 40 40 56
Panorama I. 50 40 50 60
+36 (20) 299-2... Show
8237  Tihany
Major utca 61.
Located in the heart of the picturesque Tihany Peninsula, the XIX. century The Houses of History hotel with a historic atmosphere, is perfectly suitable for any corporate or family event. The hotel, in the peaceful, close to nature environment, has several in- and outside event rooms, and also a 88 people accommodation capacity. With its cooperating partners in its surroundings, the accommodation capacity can be extended with 90 more people. The...

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Smaller ballroom - anno 1830 120 80 120 180
Bigger ballroom - anno 1830 220 180 240 260
Covered garden grill house 12 12 32 32
Historic manor courtyard 300 250 400 840
Pool garden - open air or tent 400 350 600 1860
Found: 411-416 result   |   total: 416
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Helyszínek rendezvényre, esküvőre, konferenciára

Szerintünk minden rendezvény alapja az eseményhez legmegfelelőbb helyszín kiválasztása, ha még nem döntötte el hol tartaná meg rendezvényét, és még csak keresgél a helyszínek között, akkor jó helyen jár. Céges rendezvény-, csapatépítő-, esküvő helyszínek széles választékát kínáljuk Önnek. Partnereink közt fellelhetőek modern, jól felszerelt konferenciaközpontok, rendezvényházak. Esküvőkre pedig az egyre népszerűbb wellness hotelek, szállodák, de ezek ellentéte a kis családias vendéglők is megtalálhatóak kínálatunkban.

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