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Élelmiszerbank JótéKonyha


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Here you can send an immadiate direct message to Tánczos Orsolya the event manager of the Élelmiszerbank JótéKonyha
If you are interested in more than one suppliers sservices, please save them to your list and send them unified request for offer with one click!


Tánczos Orsolya

About us

JótéKonyha (KitCharity) is a social enterprise of the Hungarian Food Bank Association. The most important feature of our catering service is that we avoid wasting food, which means that while serving the meals we take care to waste the least amount of food possible and also ask our guests to do the same, and on the other hand, the surplus food that is still edible is sent on to the needy after the event. We have experience in running both indoor and outdoor events, and we are happy to take on complete organisation of events as well. The profits from JótéKonyha are used to cover Food Bank running costs, thus providing meals for the needy we support. Each 1000 HUF of profit helps a food donation worth around 30,000 HUF to reach its destination, so when you place an order with us, you not only cater for the guests attending your event, you also contribute to feeding less fortunate people who often go hungry.

Services, opportunities

Indoor and outdoor catering


Charity cooking and other charity team building programs

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