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Élményfestés az Alkotasutca szervezésében


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Surmann Edina

About us

The idea of creative painting comes from the paint & drink type of events of the US, where the idea is that people go out to have a few drinks with friends and in the meantime they paint a picture that they can take home to put on the wall. Based on the American example we started to adapt it to Hungarians. This is how the company, Alkotásutca Kreatív Élményfestés was created. Our company has been working in the entertainment industry since 2012 and has expanded to 3 continents with more than 20 big cities. 

Services, opportunities

On the creative painting occasions guests can paint their own artworks based on a famous painting. The emphasis is on having fun. During the 3 hours guests can enjoy the experience in a nice atmosphere with calming music. The events are always led by qualified instructors, who will show you which brush and which colour to use step by step. Mainly primary colours are used so participants will get to learn and practice colour mixing as well as learn about the different painting techniques. You do not need any pre-training to participate on this event. With our professional team and tools success is guaranteed. The result is not a copy but a unique handmade work of art. The painting can decorate your home or your office and can remind you, the creator of the great experience you had.


There are two locations in Budapest, which can take in 40 people at a time. The other 2 locations in Győr and Debrecen await guests with a capacity of 20 people.

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