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Rooms (1):

Theatre Theatre
Banquett Banq.
Standing reception Stand.


Tent 200 200 300 450 wb_sunny remove remove local_florist


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Gubacsiné Lente Lilla

About us

Would you like to say YES far away from the city noise, in a romantic and elegant environment? What could be more beautiful? The Wedding Wood is located at Pilis Park Forestry Company, just a few minutes drive from Budapest, in the neighbourhood of Budakeszi. We offer an unique wedding venue in the heart of the forest where you become one in the sunset. Our unique, honeycomb-shaped event tent (450 sqm) is a perfect place for a weddings  up to 180 guests. Separated places can be set for the photowall, dessert buffet and  playground for kids.  If we open one side of the tent, it gives you the feeling that you are on open air. We organise maximum one wedding per day so you can celebrate privately in the Buda mountains.


Honeymoon wooden cottage: Our gift is a romantic wooden cottage for two persons for one night where even the preparation can be magical and after the wedding ceremony the decorated trees show the way to the house. Big wooden cottage: Would you like to prepare privately or need bigger place? Choose our big wooden cottage where 6-10 people can be accommodated conveniently. We pleased to provide transfer service to the nearby accomodation for rest of the guests.

Services, opportunities

The Wedding Wood is in the heart of the forest, so the fresh air and the nature nearby are guaranteed. It is perfect for open-air wedding ceremony, pool party or photo shooting under the stars.


Exclusive catering supplier on the venue
The Wedding Wood venue is perfect for a grill party. The built catering tent can supply different restaurant’s kitchen and party services. As we do not have own kitchen, the menu is provided by an external catering provider. We are pleased to recommend exclusive catering providers to your wedding such as WALDORF CATERING, BUDAPEST PARTY SERVICE, ART GASTRONOMY. 

Accommodation and Parking possibilities

Max. accommodation for: 16 person
Accommodation nearby: 300 meters
Nr. of multi bed rooms: 4 db
Parking places on at the venue: 120 seats
Parking places nearby: 50 meters

Venue type

  • Outdoors
  • Conference- Eventvenue
  • Wedding venue

Venue Facilities

  • Projector
  • Microphones
  • Pulpit, stage
  • Screen
  • Fénytechnika
  • Sound system

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