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Famulus Business Hotel****

Rooms (8):

Theatre Theatre
Banquett Banq.
Standing reception Stand.


Bratislava 15 - 15 19 wb_sunny ac_unit brightness_medium store
Vienna 40 30 40 39 wb_sunny ac_unit brightness_medium store
Győr room 40 30 40 43 wb_sunny ac_unit brightness_medium store
Educational 50 30 50 65 wb_sunny remove brightness_medium store
Budapest 180 120 200 155 wb_sunny ac_unit brightness_medium store
Budapest 1. 60 40 60 79 wb_sunny ac_unit brightness_medium store
Budapest 2. 40 30 40 39 wb_sunny ac_unit brightness_medium store
Budapest 3. 40 30 40 39 wb_sunny ac_unit brightness_medium store


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Nagy Imre

About us

The Hotel Famulus**** is one of the biggest capacity conference centers in Győr and around Győr and it has got a most modern technique. Its rooms with different sizes are ideal for different events from smaller meetings to bigger events, teambuildings. All conference rooms have natural lighting, they can be darkened and they have air-condition.


In every room there is TV, telephone, internet, mini bar, hairdryer, air-condition. We can put extra beds into the double rooms, and we can also provide small beds for our smallest guests. The hotel has got 2 rooms for our handicapped guests, according to the special needs – a big size bathroom and an adequate room serves their comfort.

Services, opportunities

We can provide to all kinds of events animators, guided tours in Győr, organising programs in Győr and around the city, usage of bowling – as an extra service.


Recreational center: infra sauna, massage, squash, fitness room, bowling, rent a bike Hotel services: loundry, free internet, free guided parking, Business corner, safe in the rooms, central safe, 24 hour reception, room for our handicapped guests, drink bar Other services: decoration, guided tours in the baroque city center of Győr, organising programs in Győr and around the city, animation, teambuilding, water tours on the Mosoni-Duna (Danube), nordic walking, condition test, lifestyle advices, aerobic


The Hotel Famulus**** is to be found in the center of the Budapest-Vienna-Bratislava triangle, in Győr. The hotel is very easy to approach from all directions. Budapest – 120 km Vienna – 100 km Bratislava – 60 km


Exclusive catering supplier on the venue
According to the event the catering can be done in the form of menu, a la carte or buffet. Our master chefs are the guarantee for the culinaric experience. In the breaks we can also provide catering service (coffe, tea, snacks etc.).

Accommodation and Parking possibilities

Max. accommodation for: 120 person
Nr. of multi bed rooms: 59 db
Parking places on at the venue: 176 seats

Venue type

  • Hotel/Hotel with eventroom
  • Catering unit
  • Conference- Eventvenue
  • Private room
  • Wedding venue

Venue Facilities

  • Pulpit, stage
  • Dictaphone
  • Screen
  • Video-conference
  • Projector
  • Projector
  • Microphones
  • CD-player
  • Office equipment
  • Built-in speakers

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