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Found: 411-416 result   |   total: 416
+36 (70) 519-6... Show
1095  Budapest IX.
Dandár u. 1.
At our venue, which won the Gastro Design Bronze Award in 2017, you can get closer to the herbs, because only a glass wall separates you from our real herbs also used to make Unicum. Bring your informal or corporate event here. Our event room is suitable (depending ont he type of the event up to 20-80 people) for workshops, trainings, professional programs and different type of dining. The Füves Bar is at our guests’ disposal with 4 built-in LED...

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Bar 40 40 80 140
+36 (30) 096-5... Show
8174  Balatonkenese
Balatoni út 75.
We are waiting for you with an ideal event location on the shores of Lake Balaton all year round! The Délceg Réce is waiting for you with open doors even in winter. Company end-of-year party or a gathering of friends on New Year's Eve? Book the whole house now and spend a few unforgettable days on the shores of Lake Balaton in winter with the fire crackling in the fireplace! Enjoy the benefits of the sauna and jacuzzi even in the winter cold! Soc...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Flossy event room 30 25 30 45
Grill Terrace 20 15 20 20
+36 (70) 502-0... Show
8171  Balatonvilágos
Rákóczi út 33.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Dalma 60 60 80 120
Panorama Terrace 60 60 80 100
+36 (30) 606-9... Show
2673  Csitár
Kórház utca 1.
Our castle welcomes you in a wonderful environment in the middle of a 7 hectare land that was discovered by the Zichy-Majláth family at the end of the 1800’s. We have recreated this heritage in the castle and the connecting Kulcsár House. The traditions and modern world meet here and create an idyllic harmony that await for you.

Event halls (11) theatre banquet standing m2
Marble Room 60 55 65 70
Palmer Room 22 18 25 35
Majláth Room 2 18 12 20 26
Zichy Room 50 40 55 60
Majláth Room 20 15 25 35
Library 20 12 22 32
Castle Wine Cellar 20 12 22 30
Gastro Room 50 40 50 60
Nógrád Room 55 45 60 62
Palóc Room 18 12 20 26
Eco Room 12 10 15 22
+36 (30) 400-4... Show
2045  Törökbálint
TÓ PARK UTCA 1./A Maxcity

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Hall 300 250 500 999
Restaurant 100 150 200 500
Separated room - 20 40 80
+36 (70) 978-6... Show
1046  Budapest IV.
Kiss Ernő utca 3/A.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Opera Gin Budapest Bar 30 30 40 150
Found: 411-416 result   |   total: 416
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