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Found: 291-300 result   |   total: 416
+36 (70) 661-9... Show
8394  Alsópáhok
Fő út 120.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Theatre Hall 140 100 140 200
+36 (20) 925-7... Show
1117  Budapest XI.
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A-C
ELTE Lágymányosi Campus is situated in the picturesque ambience of Budapest between Petőfi Bridge and Rákóczi Bridge, in the neighborhood of Infopark, a few minutes from the centre, with great parking opportunities. We recommend our venues with 20 years of experience for international conferences, lectures, corporate events, banquets, receptions, press conferences, exhibitions and balls.  

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Hall 1000 500 800 800
Harmony hall 700 300 500 600
Conference hall 342 - - 400
+36 (67) 654-1... Show
6060  Tiszakécske
Rózsabarack tér 2
You will find everything you need at the Barack Thermal Resort, to make your event memorable. The venue, our colleagues’ maximal attention, and the honest hospitality, which we represent as a family business for 36 years are guarantee this. There are only a few venues in Hungary, where you can find everything in a complex way: accommodation types for the various needs, diverse gastronomy, several exciting outdoor venues, elegant event rooms, and...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Sunshine 100 80 100 149
Almond 20 16 20 33
Rose 20 16 20 33
Sunshine+Almond+Rose 150 120 150 215
+36 (30) 936-3... Show
7025  Bölcske
7025 Bölcske, Szentandrás puszta 10.
The neoclassical-style mansion, the castle and chapel was originally built by the Nagy family in the 19th century, but the land itself was populated in 2500 as well. (Artifacts of celtic houses were revealed when renewing the castle.) There is a forest park behind the castle on 1, 6 acres, which has left from the old English park, ideal for walk, relaxing and absorption with its two lakes, close at hand. There are 100 newly plant fruit trees on t...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Parlour 150 120 150 160
150 150 200 160
40 30 40 60
Garden 2500 2000 2500 75000
+36 (1) 224-11... Show
1062  Budapest VI.
Andrássy út 116.
Budapest often described as the "Little Paris of Middle Europe", is famous not only for themonuments reflecting its own 1 000 year old culture, but also for the relics of others who settled here. Remains from both Roman occupation and muchlater ruled by the Turks can still be seen in the city. The capital of Hungary has two sides, Buda and Pest, stretching along the banks of the Danube, representing two different characters of the city Suburban B...

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant Separated Room 20 14 25 35
Terrace 30 - 50 50
Restaurant - 46 70 127
Lobby Bar Separated Room 20 20 25 35
Lobby Bar - 36 40 147
+36 (52) 506-6... Show
4026  Debrecen
Hunyadi u. 1-3.
Hotel Lycium****-Kölcsey Center has great facilities and offers complex service packages, where you can choose from conference and event venues, hotel services and wide selection of recreation and gastronomic opportunities. Center location of building complex may brings significant business benefits.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
- 150 200 340
70 40 60 60
30 24 20 35
+36 (20) 514-5... Show
8123  Soponya
087/8 hrsz

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Huge Event Hall 200 130 170 266
Kuria Small Event Room 70 40 50 75
+36 (1) 253-31... Show
1061  Budapest VI.
Andrássy út 25.

Event halls (10) theatre banquet standing m2
Studio Room Pre-Function Area - - 20 46
Great room 154 130 200 183
Great room 1 84 60 100 101
Great room 2 42 40 50 51
Great room 3 28 30 30 31
Great room 1+2 126 100 150 152
Great room 2+3 64 70 80 82
Great room Pre-Function Area - - 60 75
Studio Room 1 - 8 - 35
Studio Room 2 - 6 - 32
+36 (30) 868-8... Show
2536  Nyergesújfalu
Németvölgy 112.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Wine terrace 200 125 300 517
Mediterranean restaurant 60 50 70 96
Cellar 30 - 30 36
+36 (70) 786-9... Show
1095  Budapest IX.
Soroksári út 32-34.
The conference centre located in the myhive Haller Gardens complex, it offers ideal conditions for shorter meetings, longer business events or even formal standing receptions. The conference hall meets the highest demands of modern working and living. So it can meet all the requirements for a smaller meeting up to a conference with 120 persons. The inner courtyard of the office building is giving a home for a richly planted and functional garden....

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
myconference-myhive Haller Gardens conference room 100 120 120 145
Found: 291-300 result   |   total: 416
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