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Found: 301-310 result   |   total: 416
+36 (36) 301-7... Show
2011  Budakalász
Tó utca 1.
The Lupa Event Hall opened in 2017 and has since hosted a wide range of events with different themes. As a member of the Costes Group, it represents high quality, guaranteed by the success of the group's fine dining restaurants. Our aim is to ensure guest satisfaction and to build long-term, recurring partnerships.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Terrace 150 60 200 300
Lupa Event Hall 250 240 500 375
+36 (21) 474-8... Show
1112  Budapest XI.
Németvölgyi út 136.
Why Jardinette? Because Jardinette Restaurant is a perfect choice if you would like to be away from the noisy city but only 10-15 minutes from the city center. The venue’s specialty is its woody, lovely environment all year around. In our chef’s kitchen you will find classic menu of Buda and seasonal food made from fresh ingredients. Jardinette’s treasure is its beautiful, sunny winter garden (enough up to 100 people). which is ideal for corporat...

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Winter garden 90 80 90 92
Garden 100 100 100 300
Rock building 50 50 50 100
+36 (20) 669-7... Show
2310  Szigetszentmiklós
Tököli út 184.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Hall 200 130 250 270
Garden Bistro 50 25 50 50
Oazis Restaurant - 70 85 85
Oazis Restaurant Terrace - 25 70 55
+36 (1) 616-16... Show
1085  Budapest VIII.
József körút 16.
The hotel is situated on the József Boulevard bordering the Palace District, famous for its historical buildings and beautiful squares, and only a few steps from Erzsebetvaros. The Old Town, main city attractions, shopping streets, restaurants, and cafés are easily accessible either on foot or by public transport. The main stations, Blaha Lujza and Rákóczi, are a 3-minute walk away and serve M2 and M4 underground lines along with many other trams...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Biro+Pulitzer 60 - 60 78
Pulitzer 36 - 36 44
Biro 24 - 24 34
Business Lounge 10 - 10 24
+36 (22) 589-9... Show
2481  Velence
Béke u. 57.

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Panorama room 250 210 - 262
Section I. 48 30 - 53
Section II. 48 30 - 53
Section III. 48 30 - 53
Panorama + section rooms 370 310 400 421
+36 (21) 200-3... Show
8636  Balatonszemes
Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 25.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Conference room 20 20 25 43
Restaurant separated room 30 30 35 70
+36 (20) 226-9... Show
3950  Sárospatak
Kossuth Lajos út 25.
Cuvée means blending. When we mix a few good things, and we get an even better one. We bought a beautiful building, mixed it with a little culture and some history, added Tokaj wines, and now we let it age. The Cuvée Event House of Sárospatak was created by remodeling and renovating an 18th century building. By preserving the cross-vaulted lobby, the original wooden doors and the wine cellar, we wanted to keep the building’s civic and rustic atmo...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Separable event hall 100 80 120 100
Garden area with terrace 150 80 170 300
+36 (1) 618-56... Show
1051  Budapest V.
Október 6. utca 19. 1.emelet

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
30 40 40 42
20 30 30 32
20 40 40 35
20 30 30 32
+36 (20) 465-7... Show
5244  Tiszaszőlős
Dózsa György út 19.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 100 100 100 300
+36 (64) 640-0... Show
3517  Miskolc
Erzsébet sétány 1.

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Hunyadi room 250 160 200 124
Beatrix room 75 - 80 80
Anjou room 20 - 30 30
Renaissance room 40 - 45 50
Nagy Lajos room 30 25 30 45
Found: 301-310 result   |   total: 416
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