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Found: 411-416 result   |   total: 416
+36 (1) 270-10... Show
1011  Budapest I.
Jégverem u.
The unique Europe ship can house up to 1000 people. This wonderful, three-level ship can satisfy every expectation with its renovated, art-deco interior. Thanks to our professional decorating team, the ship can transform in any way to match the nature of the event.  Our modern sound system provides a high quality for playing music or for using microphones. The key to the elegance and style of the Europe ship is the harmony of the colors used. The...

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Buda Hall 170 96 150 140
Europe Hall 650 480 800 660
Pest Hall 120 70 120 120
+36 (30) 697-1... Show
1222  Budapest XXII.
Nagytétényi út 37-45.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Hall 120 100 120 350
+36 (64) 640-0... Show
3517  Miskolc
Erzsébet sétány 1.

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Renaissance room 40 - 45 50
Anjou room 20 - 30 30
Beatrix room 75 - 80 80
Hunyadi room 250 160 200 124
Nagy Lajos room 30 25 30 45
+36 (70) 388-2... Show
1052  Budapest V.
Piarista köz 2.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Gallery - 75 100 152
Terrace 150 150 242 233
First floor 80 170 350 350
+36 (30) 400-4... Show
2045  Törökbálint
TÓ PARK UTCA 1./A Maxcity

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Separated room - 20 40 80
Restaurant 100 150 200 500
Event Hall 300 250 500 999
+36 (30) 515-5... Show
6900  Makó
Csanád Vezér tér 2.
Grand Hotel Glorius Makó is a unique design hotel, evoking the atmosphere of the 1920’s. Inspired by Art Deco, our four-star hotel is located right next to the Hagymatikum Thermal Bath, offering gastronomical specialities and excellent wellness facilities.    •    THANKS TO ITS EXCLUSIVE CHARACTER AND SERVICES, HOTEL GLORIUS IS THE PERFECT CHOICE FOR BOTH FAMILY AND COMPANY EVENTS.     •     COMPANY EVENTS: A 52 square meter divisible conference...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Glorius Vigadó 130 110 130 160
Panorama terrace 35 35 35 40
Glorius Restaurant and terrace 110 100 110 200
Conference room 60 45 60 52
Found: 411-416 result   |   total: 416
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