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Found: 101-110 result   |   total: 416
+36 (70) 542-8... Show
1061  Budapest VI.
Király utca 26.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
HOUSE° 120 80 150 250
KAA° Mixology - High End Bar - 50 70 200
GARDEN° 180 180 399 1800
+36 (21) 474-8... Show
2310  Szigetszentmiklós
M0 autópálya 19. km
You can organise your company meetings, conferences, trainings and business meetings here, in a green belt that is easy to approach, far away from the noise of the city, in the Gastland Group Hotels next to Budapest. Our dear guests will find conference rooms of different sizes (10-300 persons) that fulfill all your pretensions. Our wine cellar provides nice dishes with wine tastings after the tiring days by a fire place – an outstanding possibil...

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
45 30 50 70
Margaréta Room 200 120 200 200
Nagy-Duna Room 60 70 80 90
Island 25 30 40 30
Kis-Duna Room 15 20 25 20
+36 (62) 634-0... Show
2011  Budakalász
Budai út 83.
More than 120 years of hospitality and 21st century technology meet in a restaurant with a patina and a modern event area. With 5 different sizes and atmospheres, special indoor and outdoor facilities, many years of restaurant experience and individual attention, we guarantee that what the client dreams of, we make it happen.

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Conference hall 180 120 160 500
Salon 70 - 70 96
Meeting room 50 - 50 57
New room 30 - 40 33
Green roof 70 - 70 -
+36 (20) 426-3... Show
4031  Debrecen
Böszörményi út 218/C.
The elegant, two-storey venue is suitable for weddings, meetings, conferences, sales presentations, company or private meetings with more than 1500 m2 floor space. Preparation and hosting is carried out by a highly qualified, creative, team, members of which have been used to working together for a long time. • While planning special attention was paid to creating venues which can meet special requirements, thus the big hall can be expanded with...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
ÁSZ Kuzin Conference Hall 80 30 40 90
ÁSZ Kuzin 150 100 120 325
ÁSZ Conference Hall 80 50 60 250
ÁSZ Event Hall 300 200 300 400
+36 (30) 018-7... Show
8230  Balatonfüred
Huray u. 3.

Event halls (11) theatre banquet standing m2
Plenáris room 650 - - 737
Aula 400 450 600 650
Füred room 75 30 60 83
Arács room 75 30 60 80
Koloska room 75 30 60 80
Baricska room 75 30 60 80
Balatonfüred room + the four rooms opened together 310 150 250 323
Anna room 60 30 50 64
Krisztina room 110 60 90 103
Anna+Krisztina room 170 90 140 167
Exibition room 120 60 100 380
+36 (30) 940-9... Show
1152  Budapest XV.
Szentmihályi út 167-169.
World Mall Hungary (AsiaCenter) is a family and pet-friendly shopping, office, event and entertainment centre. For more than two decades, it has served the highest standards with a modern environment, impressive buildings and excellent infrastructure. The building is entirely built according to the principles of feng shui and is divided into East and West Wings. The 125,000 m2 shopping centre attracts 5 million shoppers a year. World Mall Hungary...

Event halls (8) theatre banquet standing m2
Green area 3600 4000 4000 7600
Diamond Room 120 120 120 205
Emerald room 60 120 120 205
Small conference room 20 20 20 45
The western wing 1st floor 200 300 300 520
Concert place 300 1000 1000 1100
Parking area 400 1500 1500 1500
Cultural park 1500 4000 4000 7300
+36 (30) 820-0... Show
2092  Budakeszi
Erzsébet puszta
Would you like to say YES far away from the city noise, in a romantic and elegant environment? What could be more beautiful? The Wedding Wood is located at Pilis Park Forestry Company, just a few minutes drive from Budapest, in the neighbourhood of Budakeszi. We offer an unique wedding venue in the heart of the forest where you become one in the sunset. Our unique, honeycomb-shaped event tent (450 sqm) is a perfect place for a weddings  up to 180...

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Tent 200 200 300 450
+36 (70) 603-8... Show
1045  Budapest IV.
Berni utca 1.
The wool weaving factory where people had been working hard for 30 years has been abandoned for several years in Újpest. The building has been deserted up until now. OFF Kultúrszövőgyár („culture weaving factory”) has revitalized the once productive place and has filled it up with culture. This is YOUR PLACE to be if you want something meaningful while switching off, if you are looking for true moments and memorable experiences and you would like...

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
OFF HALL 300 300 300 1240
Off Event 250 200 300 500
200 200 250 280
+36 (20) 253-9... Show
1037  Budapest III.
Árpád fejedelem útja 125.

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Park 75 50 150 500
Beach Bar 75 50 80 120
Wine Bar 200 150 250 500
Pub 50 30 75 120
Area 1000 1000 1000 12500
+36 (30) 661-3... Show
2890  Tata
Fáklya utca 4.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
80 80 80 90
40 40 40 35
120 120 120 -
30 30 30 20
Found: 101-110 result   |   total: 416
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