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Found: 121-130 result   |   total: 416
+36 (20) 363-9... Show
1088  Budapest VIII.
Múzeum u. 7.
Hadik Palace is looking forward to welcome its guests in classicist, aristocratic environment. Its historic interior shows the aristocratic world of the turn of the century. Exclusive spaces of the two-storey building offer ideal location for weddings, corporate events, all-day team building trainings and conferences. Hadik Palace provides full service in the followings: full organizing and management of events, catering provided by the restauran...

Event halls (6) theatre banquet standing m2
Hadik room 170 110 200 130
Bieder room 15 15 15 35
Hall upstairs 50 50 50 60
Educational room 40 20 40 40
Club 80 50 100 65
Hall downstairs 80 80 80 65
+36 (30) 663-5... Show
7281  Bonnya
Kossuth u. 90-92.
We are definitely aware of that it is hard to find a special place to host an event, so we are brave to declare, that you found one. We are happy to make your event special and unique, so please visit us to make sure that it is true. We can host all of your events in the open air, and we are happy to offer some solution in the nature for teambuilding or recreation.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Garden 120 100 120 150
Restaurant 70 100 120 120
Living room 20 15 30 45
Conference room 50 40 50 75
+36 (99) 886-0... Show
9400  Sopron
Ojtózi fasor 3.

Event halls (8) theatre banquet standing m2
Nature room 300 240 300 436
Nature I. 140 - 300 150
Nature II. 140 - 140 150
Culture room 36 - 36 50
Wine room 36 - 36 50
Gastro room 90 - 90 100
History room 90 - 90 100
Top floor meeting room 36 - 36 50
+36 (37) 505-4... Show
3200  Gyöngyös
Könyves Kálmán tér 12.
It is important to us to treat every event uniquely, and organize them based on our parner’s needs. To us guests always come first. Why should you choose Hotel Opal for the venue of your event? Because you can find everything you need in one place: well equipped event hall, high standard, customized catering, modern but homelike accommodation, great outdoor program possibilities.

Event halls (7) theatre banquet standing m2
Opal I 20 12 20 22
Opal II 40 30 40 50
Opal I-II 60 40 60 72
Restaurant 60 30 60 61
Restaurant-Lobby 70 30 70 120
Business Corner 8 - 8 10
Tea room (conference) 6 - 6 15
+36 (20) 342-6... Show
1056  Budapest V.
Belgrád rakpart 24.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Conference Hall 140 100 200 190
+36 (20) 966-8... Show
1152  Budapest XV.
Szentmihályi út 167-169.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
- - 20 40
Center 150 150 100 70
+36 (20) 426-3... Show
4031  Debrecen
Böszörményi út 218/C.
The elegant, two-storey venue is suitable for weddings, meetings, conferences, sales presentations, company or private meetings with more than 1500 m2 floor space. Preparation and hosting is carried out by a highly qualified, creative, team, members of which have been used to working together for a long time. • While planning special attention was paid to creating venues which can meet special requirements, thus the big hall can be expanded with...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
ÁSZ Kuzin 150 100 120 325
ÁSZ Kuzin Conference Hall 80 30 40 90
ÁSZ Conference Hall 80 50 60 250
ÁSZ Event Hall 300 200 300 400
+36 (20) 310-7... Show
8086  Felcsút
Fő utca 176.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Conference Hall 80 60 120 136
+36 (20) 232-3... Show
8237  Tihany
Viszhang domb 23.
The life and story of Echo Restaurant, that has a unique panoramic view of Lake Balaton, started as a water tower. In 2013 Spring the renewed Echo Restaurant with an unrivalled gastronomical experience and a compelling view, was born and managed by a family highly experienced in hospitality business.    •    Our purpose is to make our guests remember us as a stylish and friendly place where quality service is the standard and to spread our good r...

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Royal Cupola 80 55 80 85
Panorama Terrace 120 100 120 120
Echo Terrace 80 60 80 95
+36 (20) 316-0... Show
6085  Fülöpszállás
Hármaspuszta tanya 11.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Event hall 400 300 360 400
Muskátlis room 200 100 120 200
Mezősi room 60 40 50 60
Found: 121-130 result   |   total: 416
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