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Found: 131-140 result   |   total: 414
+36 (30) 346-7... Show
8174  Balatonkenese
Kikötő u. 2-4.
Our conference rooms are available for conferences, trainings, extension courses, presentations, company events, VIP tours and wedding receptions. There is a ballroom for 220 persons, 4 rooms for 10-70 persons and an exclusive cigar-room . All rooms are air-conditioned, and offer wide range of technical equipment. Our experienced colleagues offer your company packages that follow your requests.

Event halls (7) theatre banquet standing m2
Soling 210 120 210 295
Laser 47 30 47 47
Katamaran 64 30 64 64
Nautic Conference Room 30 25 30 30
Pirate 71 40 71 71
Marquee 500 300 500 600
Pirate + Laser 118 70 118 118
+36 (85) 900-0... Show
8646  Balatonfenyves
Mária u 1
Have a meeting or a team building weekend at the Fenyves Yacht Club. Whether it is an informal lunch, a meeting, or a gala dinner with a corporate dinner, the Fenyves Yacht Club Hotel’s exclusive event room, drink bar and bowling salon are a perfect choice.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Cigar Room 10 10 10 20
Perlaki Meeting Room 90 90 90 250
+36 (30) 789-0... Show
1037  Budapest III.
Szépvölgyi út 15.
Our unique, special recipes and attentive service guarantee the satisfaction of our guests. What makes our restaurant special is that we welcome everyone in a family atmosphere, as if we were welcoming our loved ones into our home. Cosy surroundings, pleasant lights and catchy tunes are the hallmarks of our unit, which has been chosen by many who have chosen us as their private event venue. We have hosted family events such as birthday parties, b...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Terrace 30 30 30 50
Restaurant 30 30 30 45
+36 (70) 322-0... Show
5465  Cserkeszőlő
Tópart 7.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Huge room 100 100 120 -
Cellar 140 140 140 -
+36 (70) 641-1... Show
7700  Mohács
Szent János utca, 5.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Small Hall 50 45 60 110
Event Hall 400 300 400 630
+36 (30) 322-9... Show
2000  Szentendre
Sztaravodai út 75.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
50 25 50 100
+36 (20) 363-9... Show
2119  Pécel
0365 187 hrsz

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Venue 75 75 80 100
Terrace I. 50 50 50 60
Terrace II. 150 150 150 180
+36 (70) 318-6... Show
1084  Budapest VIII.
Déri Miksa utca 6.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
60 40 60 75
+36 (30) 622-6... Show
8360  Keszthely
Mikus Gyula sétány 8.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Regulus 100 60 140 113
+36 (20) 238-4... Show
8171  Balatonvilágos
Zrínyi u.1.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 110 110 110 210
Conference hall 48 48 48 70
Aquarium 50 50 50 70
Found: 131-140 result   |   total: 414
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