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Found: 131-140 result   |   total: 416
+36 (30) 515-3... Show
8743  Zalaszabar
Hrsz 1519/B

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Venue 180 130 200 -
+36 (30) 220-8... Show
1044  Budapest IV.
Váci út 83.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
50 50 50 70
50 50 100 70
+36 (1) 484-40... Show
1011  Budapest I.
1011 Budapest I. Batthyány tér 1. Mahart Passnave Gőzkomp

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Budapest ship 250 230 250 203
Lower floor 130 120 130 86
Upper floor 120 110 120 75
Winter garden 40 - - 27
Terrace - - - 15
+36 (30) 096-5... Show
8174  Balatonkenese
Balatoni út 75.
We are waiting for you with an ideal event location on the shores of Lake Balaton all year round! The Délceg Réce is waiting for you with open doors even in winter. Company end-of-year party or a gathering of friends on New Year's Eve? Book the whole house now and spend a few unforgettable days on the shores of Lake Balaton in winter with the fire crackling in the fireplace! Enjoy the benefits of the sauna and jacuzzi even in the winter cold! Soc...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Flossy event room 30 25 30 45
Grill Terrace 20 15 20 20
+36 (30) 749-7... Show
8242  Balatonudvari
Strand Köz 2.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Panorama Terrace 1 - 50 60 80
Panorama Terrace 2 - 120 150 300
+36 (20) 925-7... Show
1117  Budapest XI.
Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A-C
ELTE Lágymányosi Campus is situated in the picturesque ambience of Budapest between Petőfi Bridge and Rákóczi Bridge, in the neighborhood of Infopark, a few minutes from the centre, with great parking opportunities. We recommend our venues with 20 years of experience for international conferences, lectures, corporate events, banquets, receptions, press conferences, exhibitions and balls.  

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Hall 1000 500 800 800
Harmony hall 700 300 500 600
Conference hall 342 - - 400
+36 (70) 371-3... Show
8245  Pécsely
Külterület 0103/60/A hrsz.
Sentio Birtok is located in Pécsely, in one of the most impressive areas of the Balaton Uplands. Just you, your loved ones and 25 hectares of magical vineyard with a wonderful view. The perfect choice of location for one of the most important days of your life. The experience of a wedding held at Sentio Estate is unique, special and unforgettable. The entire 25-hectare estate is available to our guests for 3 days and 2 nights. For your wedding, w...

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event tent 200 120 160 250
+36 (30) 448-8... Show
1185  Budapest XVIII.
Budapest Liszt Ferenc Nemzetközi Repülőtér Terminal 1

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Central Hall 500 330 450 800
Arrival Hall 450 270 150 600
Depart Hall 250 200 120 600
+36 (1) 253-31... Show
1061  Budapest VI.
Andrássy út 25.

Event halls (10) theatre banquet standing m2
Great room 2 42 40 50 51
Great room 3 28 30 30 31
Great room 1+2 126 100 150 152
Great room 2+3 64 70 80 82
Great room Pre-Function Area - - 60 75
Studio Room 1 - 8 - 35
Studio Room 2 - 6 - 32
Studio Room Pre-Function Area - - 20 46
Great room 1 84 60 100 101
Great room 154 130 200 183
+36 (20) 380-6... Show
1074  Budapest VII.
Dob utca 65.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Biliard 55 40 55 65
Big room 150 100 150 180
Room 2 60 30 40 70
Found: 131-140 result   |   total: 416
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