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Found: 131-140 result   |   total: 414
+36 (70) 337-3... Show
8230  Balatonfüred
Mikes Kelemen u. 21.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Meeting 1 60 35 70 100
Meeting 2 80 50 80 118
+36 (30) 697-1... Show
1222  Budapest XXII.
Nagytétényi út 37-45.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Hall 120 100 120 350
+36 (30) 153-1... Show
1067  Budapest VI.
Csengery utca 31.

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
The Cloud 80 - 80 87
Turing 30 - - 45
Clarke 14 - - 38
Lobby - 80 140 260
Posner Bistro - 88 120 152
+36 (30) 335-6... Show
1222  Budapest XXII.
Fékező utca 1.
Vasmacska Terrace is an ideal choice for private and corporate events. Our restaurant welcomes guests looking for a unique venue with delicious food selection, beach atmosphere and high quality service up to 300 people. Conference, family day or business meeting? The best place to get relaxed and get a business deal is by the riverside as it has a good impact on people. Organize an offsite meeting instead of having it at the usual office environm...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Terrace 100 80 120 120
Garden 200 200 300 280
Terrace + Garden 300 280 300 400
Inside Room 80 50 100 60
+36 (30) 122-6... Show
1146  Budapest XIV.
Olof Palme sétány 3.

Event halls (7) theatre banquet standing m2
Cofe bar 63 35 59 113
Library 60 - - 252
VIP Lounge 15 - 15 40
Open-air stage 150 120 150 300
Foyer - 350 320 520
Auditorium 100 50 66 126
Concert hall 320 250 242 460
+36 (1) 238-93... Show
1097  Budapest IX.
Könyves Kálmán krt. 34.

Event halls (7) theatre banquet standing m2
Arena I 75 40 60 82
Arena II 85 40 70 95
Arena I+II 180 100 130 178
Dome II 20 - - 31
Dome I+II 40 - - 59
Blue Corner 20 - - 29
Dome I 20 - - 29
+36 (30) 018-7... Show
8230  Balatonfüred
Huray u. 3.

Event halls (11) theatre banquet standing m2
Plenáris room 650 - - 737
Aula 400 450 600 650
Füred room 75 30 60 83
Arács room 75 30 60 80
Koloska room 75 30 60 80
Baricska room 75 30 60 80
Balatonfüred room + the four rooms opened together 310 150 250 323
Anna room 60 30 50 64
Krisztina room 110 60 90 103
Anna+Krisztina room 170 90 140 167
Exibition room 120 60 100 380
+36 (70) 666-7... Show
8636  Balatonszemes
Parti sétány 159.
Our hotel is located directly on the shores of Lake Balaton. Our panorama room is equipped with the latest equipment and furniture, offering a unique panoramic view from Badacsony to Tihany! Our hotel and the adjacent building complex can accommodate up to 200 people at a time. From meetings for a few people to conferences for 180 people, we can meet all your needs. We can provide full catering, coffee breaks and accommodation for conference part...

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
5001 160 160 160 124
Drink 50 50 50 75
Panorama restaurant 180 180 180 108
+36 (70) 426-4... Show
2700  Cegléd
Iskola dülő 1.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
24 24 24 40
50 36 50 60
70 60 70 100
+36 (21) 474-8... Show
2310  Szigetszentmiklós
M0 autópálya 19. km
You can organise your company meetings, conferences, trainings and business meetings here, in a green belt that is easy to approach, far away from the noise of the city, in the Gastland Group Hotels next to Budapest. Our dear guests will find conference rooms of different sizes (10-300 persons) that fulfill all your pretensions. Our wine cellar provides nice dishes with wine tastings after the tiring days by a fire place – an outstanding possibil...

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
45 30 50 70
Margaréta Room 200 120 200 200
Nagy-Duna Room 60 70 80 90
Island 25 30 40 30
Kis-Duna Room 15 20 25 20
Found: 131-140 result   |   total: 414
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