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Found: 151-160 result   |   total: 414
+36 (70) 674-2... Show
1097  Budapest IX.
1097 Budapest Könyves Kálmán krt. 12-14.
Lurdy Conference and Event Center is located on the first floor of the well-known shopping mall and business center, Lurdy Ház. It has been opened since 2007 with two event halls on 400m2. Conference department was extended with 8 different sized neatly furnished halls and exhibition areas during the years and now it is looking forward to its guests on 4000m2. Event halls of 50-1000 people are ideal for conferences, presentations, partner meeting...

Event halls (12) theatre banquet standing m2
Hall 1 50 36 50 50
Hall 2 200 100 200 200
Hall 3 1000 500 1000 940
Exhibitory 800 400 800 800
Hall 4 300 150 300 280
Hall 5 300 150 300 280
Catering Hall 300 150 300 280
Hall 6 400 200 400 420
Hall 7 100 50 100 90
Hall 8 50 27 50 50
Hall 9 700 400 700 800
Conference 6 6 6 20
+36 (27) 585-1... Show
2624  Szokolya
Királyrét 0439
The well-known Királyrét is in the most captivating part of Börzsöny only 47 km from Budapest. The Királyrét Castle is located here, next to the Királyrét Visitor Center. There is an ornamental park surrounded by ancient trees, a riding stable, a fishing pond and a swimming pool. Our accommodation with family atmosphere is perfect for weddings, birthdays and corporate events. Away from the noisy city, you can enjoy the cosy summer evenings, June...

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 120 120 120 200
Salon 70 70 70 160
Green Salon 10 10 15 25
+36 (36) 304-6... Show
2318  Szigetszentmárton
Dunapart-Alsó u. 1

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event venue 120 120 150 200
+36 (20) 390-3... Show
1067  Budapest VI.
Hunyadi tér 7.
H7 is an independent training center that offers high-quality education to talented professionals and features internationally recognized instructors. In the field of hairdressing, renowned experts from world-famous brands have joined us as guest instructors from various parts of the world. The training sessions they conducted were open to all professionals interested in the field. We consider it very important to emphasize this because in this w...

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
50 40 50 80
+36 (70) 430-3... Show
2073  Tök

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Covered Terrace 90 75 90 115
II. room - 32 32 35
I. room 65 55 65 65
+36 (70) 537-9... Show
1142  Budapest XIV.
Szőnyi út 2.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Guest hall 80 60 110 150
Separated room 50 40 45 50
Glass room 40 30 40 40
80 60 110 100
+36 (30) 571-8... Show
1088  Budapest VIII.
Rákóczi út 21.
The cinema compounds the gothic style of Venice and that of the eastern moors. After the resurrection we were expanded with 2 halls, so together with the imposing banqueting-hall 550 seats await the Uránia-Lovers. The characteristics of the place, the spacious café and the comfortable forefronts make organising full house events possible.

Event halls (6) theatre banquet standing m2
Gala room 450 - - 470
Fábri room 50 - - 70
Csortos room 50 - - 70
Café 200 100 200 220
Café and forefronts (on 1st floor) 250 120 250 270
Café and forefronts (on 2nd floor) 500 350 500 550
+36 (70) 669-5... Show
1036  Budapest III.
Pacsirtamező 41-43.

Event halls (6) theatre banquet standing m2
Bistro 2 80 60 100 210
Fine dining - 16 25 26
Terrace 80 60 100 160
Bistro 60 40 80 120
Oval room 80 60 200 320
- 25 30 30
+36 (30) 936-3... Show
7025  Bölcske
7025 Bölcske, Szentandrás puszta 10.
The neoclassical-style mansion, the castle and chapel was originally built by the Nagy family in the 19th century, but the land itself was populated in 2500 as well. (Artifacts of celtic houses were revealed when renewing the castle.) There is a forest park behind the castle on 1, 6 acres, which has left from the old English park, ideal for walk, relaxing and absorption with its two lakes, close at hand. There are 100 newly plant fruit trees on t...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Parlour 150 120 150 160
150 150 200 160
40 30 40 60
Garden 2500 2000 2500 75000
+36 (30) 380-8... Show
8600  Siófok
Öreghegyi u. 7.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Meeting Room 25 16 25 32
Restaurant 52 52 52 70
Club Room 52 52 52 108
Found: 151-160 result   |   total: 414
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