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Found: 171-180 result   |   total: 416
+36 (70) 322-0... Show
5465  Cserkeszőlő
Tópart 7.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Cellar 140 140 140 -
Huge room 100 100 120 -
+36 (30) 217-3... Show
2500  Esztergom
Széchenyi tér 23

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
42 Restaurant & Suites 100 80 100 110
+36 (88) 579-4... Show
8200  Veszprém
Jókai Mór u. 48.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Small Room 20 10 30 18
Huge Room 30 20 50 40
Conference Hall 150 120 300 220
+36 (30) 122-6... Show
1146  Budapest XIV.
Istvánmezei út 3-5.

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Press conference room 200 300 300 350
SKY Club - 200 300 600
VIP Club 800 1000 1100 1800
Business VIP 1000 1000 1100 2500
SKY Lounge - 2000 2000 8600
+36 (30) 627-5... Show
2890  Tata
Tópart sétány 2.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Room II. 34 20 30 35
Lecture room 55 40 50 70
Conference room 90 60 80 100
+36 (1) 486-50... Show
1052  Budapest V.
Apáczai Csere János u.4
In the heart of Budapest within walking distance to main shopping, business and entertainment areas, the newly refurbished Budapest Marriott Hotel enjoys a prime downtown location. Looking for the right venue for your event? With us you will find the perfect balance of stylish environment and expertise, elegance and flexibility. Whether you plan on something large-scale or intimate, with the renowned Marriott service, creative catering and a vari...

Event halls (25) theatre banquet standing m2
Grand Budapest Ballroom 650 450 600 614
Buda 380 250 300 306
Pest 250 200 250 248
Ballroom Terrace 120 - 200 190
Ballroom Foyer - - 150 140
Liz Ballroom (Liz 1 + Liz 2) 350 240 300 360
Liz 1 120 180 200 265
Liz 2 70 60 80 95
View 5 + 6 100 60 80 114
View 5 50 20 40 47
View 6 50 30 40 67
View 3 + 4 100 60 80 90
View 4 50 20 40 44
View 3 50 20 40 46
View 2 - 12 - 29
View 1 24 24 40 56
Foyer M - - 120 112
Office 15 6 - 20
Studio Konyha - 16 - 71
Studio 2 40 20 40 49
View 7 + 8 140 130 180 182
View 8 70 60 90 91
View 7 70 60 90 91
Studio 1 30 48 30 36
- - 80 100
+36 (20) 253-9... Show
1037  Budapest III.
Árpád fejedelem útja 125.

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Pub 50 30 75 120
Area 1000 1000 1000 12500
Wine Bar 200 150 250 500
Beach Bar 75 50 80 120
Park 75 50 150 500
+36 (30) 220-8... Show
1044  Budapest IV.
Váci út 83.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
50 50 100 70
50 50 50 70
+36 (30) 876-0... Show
2463  Tordas

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Grill terrace 250 200 300 150
Western Restaurant 80 80 70 150
VR room 40 30 40 50
Western Museum 60 40 70 80
Western Salon 250 120 300 200
+36 (1) 327-63... Show
1052  Budapest V.
Apaczai Csere J.U. 12-14.
Our hotel is located at one of the most imposing UNESCO world heritage sites of Budapest, on the most stunning riverbank walkway in the city called the Danube Promenade. You may find us in the proximity of architectural gems such as the Széchenyi Chain Bridge and the Parlament, with a direct view of the Buda Castle. Book one of our 402 elegantly appointed rooms and experience the art of hospitality for yourself!

Event halls (16) theatre banquet standing m2
Danube Salon IV. 18 20 20 27
Duna Salon III. 40 20 30 39
Duna Salon II. 40 20 30 41
Duna Salon I. 40 30 40 45
Panorama II+III+IV. - 120 150 167
Panorama V. 50 40 50 59
Panorama IV. 40 40 40 55
Panorama III. 40 40 40 56
Panorama II. 40 40 40 56
Ball room I+II+III 850 540 900 691
Ball room I+II 600 320 500 460
Ball room II+ III 600 320 500 460
Ball room I. 250 160 250 228
Ball room II. 250 160 250 232
Ball room III. 260 160 250 231
Panorama I. 50 40 50 60
Found: 171-180 result   |   total: 416
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