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Found: 181-190 result   |   total: 414
+36 (1) 484-40... Show
1011  Budapest I.
1011 Budapest I. Batthyány tér 1. Mahart Passnave Gőzkomp

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Terrace - - - 15
Budapest ship 250 230 250 203
Lower floor 130 120 130 86
Upper floor 120 110 120 75
Winter garden 40 - - 27
+36 (30) 087-7... Show
2500  Esztergom
Berényi u. 4.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event hall 60 45 70 150
+36 (30) 697-1... Show
1222  Budapest XXII.
Nagytétényi út 37-45.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Hall 120 100 120 350
+36 (21) 474-8... Show
8900  Zalaegerszeg
Zalazone tér 1.
AVL ZalaZONE is a 250-hectare automotive proving ground in Western Hungary, near Zalaegerszeg. With its unique and prestigious environment, AVL ZalaZONE can lighten up any professional event, regardless of its connection to the automotive industry. In addition to the test track services, the central building of AVL ZalaZONE also serves as a venue for event experiences. In addition to smaller events, the Event Center can accommodate up to 400 gues...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Conference 1 40 40 40 85
Conference 2 40 40 40 87
Conference 3 200 300 300 255
Conference 1, 2, 3 300 400 400 427
+36 (20) 299-2... Show
8237  Tihany
Major utca 61.
Located in the heart of the picturesque Tihany Peninsula, the XIX. century The Houses of History hotel with a historic atmosphere, is perfectly suitable for any corporate or family event. The hotel, in the peaceful, close to nature environment, has several in- and outside event rooms, and also a 88 people accommodation capacity. With its cooperating partners in its surroundings, the accommodation capacity can be extended with 90 more people. The...

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Smaller ballroom - anno 1830 120 80 120 180
Bigger ballroom - anno 1830 220 180 240 260
Covered garden grill house 12 12 32 32
Historic manor courtyard 300 250 400 840
Pool garden - open air or tent 400 350 600 1860
+36 (21) 474-8... Show
1117  Budapest XI.
Dombóvári út 26.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Hall 180 220 400 360
+36 (30) 314-8... Show
1037  Budapest III.
Virágosnyereg út 33.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
25 20 25 85
40 40 40 900
+36 (70) 388-2... Show
1052  Budapest V.
Piarista köz 2.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Gallery - 75 100 152
Terrace 150 150 242 233
First floor 80 170 350 350
+36 (20) 983-5... Show
1055  Budapest V.
Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 78.
A leading restaurant in Budapest's fine dining segment, St. Andrea Restaurant has been a sure choice for guests for nine years: the restaurant manager Miklós Lizsicsár and his team cater, entertain and pamper, while the kitchen team spices up the homely feeling with surprising flavours. At the end of the evening, Endre Kollár, the chef, wipes his hands on his apron and brings a smile to the faces of the guests with his direct style, inimitable hu...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 80 - - 160
Separated room 20 - - 40
+36 (99) 314-2... Show
9400  Sopron
Lővér körút 37.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Conference room I. floor 100 70 120 140
Hotel Szieszta Restaurant 250 180 350 200
Event Tent 250 180 300 200
Found: 181-190 result   |   total: 414
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