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Found: 181-190 result   |   total: 416
+36 (52) 506-6... Show
4026  Debrecen
Hunyadi u. 1-3.
Hotel Lycium****-Kölcsey Center has great facilities and offers complex service packages, where you can choose from conference and event venues, hotel services and wide selection of recreation and gastronomic opportunities. Center location of building complex may brings significant business benefits.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
- 150 200 340
70 40 60 60
30 24 20 35
+36 (30) 096-5... Show
8174  Balatonkenese
Balatoni út 75.
We are waiting for you with an ideal event location on the shores of Lake Balaton all year round! The Délceg Réce is waiting for you with open doors even in winter. Company end-of-year party or a gathering of friends on New Year's Eve? Book the whole house now and spend a few unforgettable days on the shores of Lake Balaton in winter with the fire crackling in the fireplace! Enjoy the benefits of the sauna and jacuzzi even in the winter cold! Soc...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Grill Terrace 20 15 20 20
Flossy event room 30 25 30 45
+36 (20) 426-3... Show
4031  Debrecen
Böszörményi út 218/C.
The elegant, two-storey venue is suitable for weddings, meetings, conferences, sales presentations, company or private meetings with more than 1500 m2 floor space. Preparation and hosting is carried out by a highly qualified, creative, team, members of which have been used to working together for a long time. • While planning special attention was paid to creating venues which can meet special requirements, thus the big hall can be expanded with...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
ÁSZ Event Hall 300 200 300 400
ÁSZ Conference Hall 80 50 60 250
ÁSZ Kuzin 150 100 120 325
ÁSZ Kuzin Conference Hall 80 30 40 90
+36 (70) 709-8... Show
4245  Érpatak
Zsindelyes tanya 3.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Inn 140 120 140 158
Small inn 40 30 40 65
+36 (30) 222-2... Show
8624  Balatonszárszó
József Attila út 25.
Holiday Resorts*** Superior is located at Balatonszárszó, on the southern shore of the Lake Balaton, in the resort area with a captivating panorama on the lake. Our Hotel is a perfect choice for various indoor and outdoor team buildings, trainings, corporate events thanks to its proximity to Lake Balaton and to many program options. We are pleased to offer various programs for groups between 10-200 people. It is possible to go bowling on a four-l...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 100 120 130 278
Meeting Room 30 30 40 62
+36 (20) 776-2... Show
1078  Budapest VII.
István u. 14.
The Star City Hotel*** is located only a few minutes away from Keleti railway station. Comfort is a priority to us, our rooms guarantee tranquility and relaxation for every guest. For the families we offer crib and baby bath by prior arrangement. Our conference room is perfect for business discussions, trainings or meetings.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event hall 60 30 60 70
+36 (62) 566-4... Show
6726  Szeged
Szent-Györgyi Albert u. 16-24.
Everything you need for a successful event under the same roof – accommodation, event hall, catering and wellness, for up to 450 guests. We offer a high-quality full service for family and company events.Please contact us for a personalized quote! The Hunguest Szeged with its restaurant for up to 400 guests and various conference and section rooms for up to 450 guests, as well as its unique garden, make an excellent venue for conferences, events,...

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Tomorkeny Istvan 80 40 60 85
Rotary 100 50 80 105
Mora Ferenc 50 30 40 60
Szent-Gyorgyi Albert 150 50 120 167
Juhasz Gyula 450 160 250 380
+36 (20) 481-7... Show
8230  Balatonfüred
Anna sétány 5.
Special event venue at the seaside - unique features and services in one place. The spacious building is an ideal place to hold large events, conferences, exhibitions, Christmas parties, weddings. It will also be suitable for workshops, educational programs, press conferences, meetings. We can present a captivating environment with the nearby Lake Balaton and the beautiful landscape area. The building consists of two spaces that can be clearly se...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
N3 60 - 60 77
N2 70 - 70 77
N1 60 - 60 77
N1+N2+N3 190 100 220 231
+36 (30) 638-8... Show
1051  Budapest V.
Vigadó tér 4.számú kikötő
The rooms on Columbus Ship are suitable for wedding parties, business parties, conferences, press conferences, family parties, banquets, Christmas parties, etc. For thematic shows or end-of-the-year business parties we recommend you to hire the whole ship, because the rooms on the Pub side are ideal venues for additional programs and activities. ROOMS: Santa Maria room This glass-fronted, full-view hall is suitable for bigger programs. Equipped w...

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Santa Maria 120 100 150 230
70 50 80 100
Rooftop 150 80 200 300
+36 (20) 240-4... Show
8784  Kehidakustány
Golf utca 1.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Hall 60 90 100 120
Club House 90 90 150 200
Found: 181-190 result   |   total: 416
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