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Found: 211-220 result   |   total: 416
+36 (20) 500-3... Show
1051  Budapest V.
Zrínyi utca 4.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
DOJO 220 80 260 1
Garden 110 - 500 300
Bistro 100 - 200 1
Gallery 45 - 80 1
+36 (20) 326-0... Show
7121  Szálka
hrsz 07/28/A

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
50 90 150 248
+36 (30) 627-5... Show
2890  Tata
Tópart sétány 2.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Conference room 90 60 80 100
Lecture room 55 40 50 70
Room II. 34 20 30 35
+36 (70) 519-6... Show
1095  Budapest IX.
Dandár u. 1.
At our venue, which won the Gastro Design Bronze Award in 2017, you can get closer to the herbs, because only a glass wall separates you from our real herbs also used to make Unicum. Bring your informal or corporate event here. Our event room is suitable (depending ont he type of the event up to 20-80 people) for workshops, trainings, professional programs and different type of dining. The Füves Bar is at our guests’ disposal with 4 built-in LED...

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Bar 40 40 80 140
+36 (23) 336-2... Show
2045  Törökbálint

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Room 50 50 100 150
- - - -
+36 (30) 308-8... Show
1165  Budapest XVI.
Bökényföldi út 27.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Room 150 100 120 200
Sport center - - 300 30000
+36 (62) 566-4... Show
6726  Szeged
Szent-Györgyi Albert u. 16-24.
Everything you need for a successful event under the same roof – accommodation, event hall, catering and wellness, for up to 450 guests. We offer a high-quality full service for family and company events.Please contact us for a personalized quote! The Hunguest Szeged with its restaurant for up to 400 guests and various conference and section rooms for up to 450 guests, as well as its unique garden, make an excellent venue for conferences, events,...

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Juhasz Gyula 450 160 250 380
Szent-Gyorgyi Albert 150 50 120 167
Mora Ferenc 50 30 40 60
Rotary 100 50 80 105
Tomorkeny Istvan 80 40 60 85
+36 (20) 496-4... Show
2100  Gödöllő
Szabadság út 199.
Our main event hall (up to 100 people) has modern light and sound system, and access to a beautiful garden. This event hall is ideal for weddings, corporate events, conferences and private gatherings as well. Our conference room on the first floor with kitchen access is perfect for teambuildings, trainings, workshops, cooking schools. These conference rooms are available with projector, screen, flipchart and sound system. 

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Event hall 80 80 80 140
Event hall on the second floor 40 40 40 100
+36 (70) 322-0... Show
5465  Cserkeszőlő
Tópart 7.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Huge room 100 100 120 -
Cellar 140 140 140 -
+36 (70) 388-2... Show
1052  Budapest V.
Piarista köz 2.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Gallery - 75 100 152
Terrace 150 150 242 233
First floor 80 170 350 350
Found: 211-220 result   |   total: 416
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