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Found: 231-240 result   |   total: 416
+36 (47) 548-4... Show
3909  Mád
Rákóczi utca 48.
The wonders of nature, the historical monuments, the local gastronomy, the authentic handcraft and the traditional wine cellars - what else could a traveler wish for. Mádi Kúria gives you cozy, comfortable accommodation and our team do their best to make you feel good and get to know the village of Mád. In our three-star superior hotel we are waiting for our guests with a grill terrace, a cozy restaurant (up to 50 people), a wine cellar, 23 well-...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 50 50 50 80
Wine Cellar 30 20 20 20
Meeting Room 20 15 15 20
Event Hall 150 150 150 240
+36 (20) 475-5... Show
1024  Budapest II.
Rózsahegy utca 1
Miniatűr first opened its doors in 1951 as the Minitaűr Eszpresszó. In the past 70 years legendary people visited here and legendary stories were born. This mysterious microworld, a protected paradise that opens only to those who deserve it. Come and enjoy this special atmosphere and let’s continue writing the history of Miniatűr together!

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Miniatűr 70 50 120 124
+36 (20) 232-3... Show
8237  Tihany
Viszhang domb 23.
The life and story of Echo Restaurant, that has a unique panoramic view of Lake Balaton, started as a water tower. In 2013 Spring the renewed Echo Restaurant with an unrivalled gastronomical experience and a compelling view, was born and managed by a family highly experienced in hospitality business.    •    Our purpose is to make our guests remember us as a stylish and friendly place where quality service is the standard and to spread our good r...

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Royal Cupola 80 55 80 85
Panorama Terrace 120 100 120 120
Echo Terrace 80 60 80 95
+36 (30) 401-9... Show
8230  Balatonfüred
Csárda u. 4790
With our wine presentation program, the tasting can take place in three rooms, which can accommodate 30, 40, or 60 people. Our wine garden is the perfect location for company family days, and many team-building programs can be implemented in the huge garden. Our wine garden can accommodate 150 people on its covered terrace, and 40 people can be accommodated in the cellar part. Our renovated cellar from 1773 (Darab Pince) can accommodate 120 peopl...

Event halls (7) theatre banquet standing m2
Tasting room 1. - 40 60 45
Tasting room 2. - 60 90 70
Tasting room 3. - 40 60 45
Wine Garden - 100 150 200
Wine Garden covered terrace - 150 200 200
Wine Garden cellar - 40 60 97
Darab cellar - 120 180 90
+36 (30) 595-4... Show
3400  Mezőkövesd
Fülemüle utca 2.
Our accommodations, event halls, event center and catering units are located in the Mezőkövesd resort area, Zsóry spa, a few hundred meters away from each other and the Zsóry Spa and Beach Spa. With 22 rooms of different sizes and numerous indoor and outdoor programs, it is available for family and corporate events. Thanks to our versatile possibilities, we can provide space for a wide variety of events, from small, elegant meetings of a few peop...

Event halls (16) theatre banquet standing m2
Zsory I. 40 20 25 36
Zsory II. 60 30 60 62
Zsory III. 80 40 80 82
Zsory I-II-III. 200 100 200 180
Panorama room 40 25 50 72
President room 24 16 25 25
Event Center 500 250 500 550
Rózsa I. 80 40 80 81
Rózsa II. 90 45 90 90
Rózsa III. 100 50 100 127
Rózsa I-II-III. 270 135 270 298
Liget I. 75 40 75 70
Liget II. 75 40 75 70
Liget I-II. 150 80 150 140
Camping 56 28 56 56
Guest House 80 40 80 108
+36 (72) 459-5... Show
7346  Bikal
Rákóczi utca 22.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Pál room 150 80 120 135
Károly room 20 - 35 40
Hannibál room 200 120 150 180
Conference hall 300 240 400 522
+36 (30) 538-6... Show
6050  Lajosmizse
6050 Lajosmizse, Alsólajos 224.
Geréby Mansion Hotel and Stables lies in picturesque surroundings, in the heart of the Great Plain, some 30 minutes away from Budapest by car, 3 km from the M5 exit of Lajosmizse. The magic natural environment is attractive especially in the summer, but riding sleigh in the Pusta in wintertime is also unforgettable. The park is usually overwhelmed by twitter of birds, mallards lay eggs in the lakeside bushes. In silent summer dawns, roe deer vent...

Event halls (7) theatre banquet standing m2
Reedy Event Hall 500 340 440 525
Reedy Event Hall Section 9,10 30 - - 44
Reedy Event Hall Section 8,11 66 - - 79
Reedy Downstairs Section IV-V. 100 80 100 136
Reedy Downstairs Section I-III. 205 144 190 228
Margit Hall 44 24 36 56
Katinka Hall 160 104 150 177
+36 (30) 343-4... Show
1013  Budapest I.
Ybl Miklós tér 2.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event venue 85 65 85 150
+36 (30) 694-5... Show
1039  Budapest III.
Piroska utca 3-5.

Event halls (7) theatre banquet standing m2
Boszporusz 26 14 26 34
Arcadia 60 38 60 72
Caravella 70 38 70 97
Magellán 100 40 100 95
Neptun 120 44 120 103
100 100 100 140
150 150 150 200
+36 (21) 474-8... Show
3915  Tarcal
Fő utca 94.
Built in the 1700s, the Mansion can be a beautiful venue for any business event, be it a conference, meeting, presentation, press conference, protocol event or training. With rooms of different sizes and capacities, equipped with AV equipment and luxurious services, we await our guests in the World Heritage Tokaj-Hegyalja. We are happy to help you organise a formal or casual event for 2 to 150 people, and our catering service, which invites you o...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Event hall gallery 50 30 60 146
Salon 30 30 60 90
Conference room 20 20 30 42
Event hall 150 80 150 315
Found: 231-240 result   |   total: 416
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