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Found: 261-270 result   |   total: 416
+36 (20) 560-1... Show
1062  Budapest VI.
Andrássy út 52.
The impressive building of Hotel Oktogon Haggenmacher, former Haggenmacher Palace is located on the elegant Andrássy Avenue, a vibrant, lively touristic hub of Budapest. The values of the historic building are combined with modern design solutions to create a youthfully elegant 4-star hotel. The interior of the hotel reflects the contrast of the bustling environment and the centuries-old building. A classical style boardroom and a rustic meeting...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Board room - 12 - 40
Meeting room 36 16 - 58
+36 (1) 327-31... Show
1106  Budapest X.
Kerepesi út 87.
Meeting, function and assembly rooms can accommodate from 10 participants up to a total of 280. Integrated design and flexible partitioning systems allow for maximum convenience in terms of space and layout. Several small-scale events can be held simultaneously, or alternatively, attendees can opt for large general meetings. The Center’s Conference Planner can assist with the most complex event needs, including program planning, seating, catering...

Event halls (12) theatre banquet standing m2
Moszkva 20 - - 30
Berlin 20 - - 30
Brüsszel 20 - - 30
London 30 - - 45
New York I; New York II. 40 - - 60
New York I-II. 80 - - 120
Prága I; Prága II; Prága III. 40 50 60 60
Budapest 280 150 280 325
Prága I-II-III. 180 150 180 190
Varsó 120 100 120 120
Tokió 80 120 150 144
Prága I-II. és Prága II-III. 100 100 120 120
+36 (30) 629-9... Show
2653  Bánk
Petőfi út 73.
The To (Lake) Wellness Hotel is a modern and elegant wellness hotel in the northern part of Hungary. It is located in Bank, 60 km far from Budapest, about 15 minutes drive from Vác on the main roads number 2/a and 2. The hotel is located at the meeting point of Börzsöny and Cserhát mountains, on the picturesque shore of Lake Bánk.

Event halls (8) theatre banquet standing m2
Jazz I. 45 30 45 56
Jazz II. 10 8 10 18
Jazz I. + II. 60 25 60 74
Jazz III. 25 18 25 38
Jazz IV. 25 18 25 38
Jazz III. + Jazz IV. 75 30 75 76
Dixie 15 12 15 21
Swing 50 16 50 50
+36 (21) 474-8... Show
9019  Győr
Ménfői út 61.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Conference Hall 40 30 70 -
Arundo Restaurant 150 120 200 -
+36 (30) 327-3... Show
7621  Pécs
Jókai utca 17-19

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Primula Event Hall 70 70 70 140
Sorbus Room 45 45 45 66
+36 (30) 488-6... Show
1113  Budapest XI.
Kosztolányi Dezső tér 2. (a Feneketlen tónál)
The mediterranean atmosphere Hemingway Restaurant became one of the most popular restaurants in Budapest thanks to its excellent cuisine and wonderful surroundings. The more than 250 capacity restaurant offers its services for events, weddings and receptions. Recently there is a need on the part of the frequenters and visitor companies to enjoy the Hemingway's amazing taste and host in unique outdoor locations as catering and party-service suppli...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 100 160 200 270
Terrace 100 120 200 150
Afrika room 30 25 40 60
Alabástrom room 40 40 50 60
+36 (70) 623-3... Show
1022  Budapest II.
Marczibányi tér 6-7.
In addition to its 320 square meter Ballroom, Haris Park offers three unique section rooms, a high-quality integrated audio system, air-conditioned rooms, a private car park, an elegant suite, catering service, an impressive garden and unique spaces with views on the Castle area. Whether it’s a family or business event, our team will do their best to make the event unique and memorable. The special outdoor and indoor venues, our international...

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Garden 150 - 220 600
Felvinci room 35 16 21 50
Alvinci room 70 32 70 70
Chaple 70 40 70 70
Ballroom 200 160 220 320
+36 (20) 966-8... Show
1152  Budapest XV.
Szentmihályi út 167-169.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
- - 20 40
Center 150 150 100 70
+36 (30) 882-5... Show
2013  Pomáz
Templom tér 3.
The Teleki-Wattay Castle Hotel in Pomaz offers 15 rooms, its own restaurant, 4 small and one large function room, surrounded by a 2-hectare park.

Event halls (7) theatre banquet standing m2
Castle park 400 400 600 2000
Concert hall 130 130 150 180
Beer house 50 50 80 65
Zsolnay salon 10 10 12 22
Wattay salon 40 40 60 35
Knight room 120 120 130 145
Restaurant 40 40 60 50
+36 (23) 336-2... Show
2045  Törökbálint

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Room 50 50 100 150
- - - -
Found: 261-270 result   |   total: 416
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