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Found: 301-310 result   |   total: 416
+36 (30) 322-9... Show
2000  Szentendre
Sztaravodai út 75.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
50 25 50 100
+36 (20) 226-9... Show
3950  Sárospatak
Kossuth Lajos út 25.
Cuvée means blending. When we mix a few good things, and we get an even better one. We bought a beautiful building, mixed it with a little culture and some history, added Tokaj wines, and now we let it age. The Cuvée Event House of Sárospatak was created by remodeling and renovating an 18th century building. By preserving the cross-vaulted lobby, the original wooden doors and the wine cellar, we wanted to keep the building’s civic and rustic atmo...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Garden area with terrace 150 80 170 300
Separable event hall 100 80 120 100
+36 (70) 323-9... Show
3907  Tállya
Esze Tamás utca 23.
Have you ever thought about how great it would be to offer your friends, colleagues and clients your own branded wine in your own branded winery? Would you like to organise business dinners and events that are both memorable and effective? As a member of the Bohemian Wine Club, you can do just that! Join your friends and company in our exclusive club and offer your clients and partners a special experience like no other! In the Bohém Wine Club yo...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 20 20 20 42
Community place 20 20 20 48
Covered Terrace 25 25 30 55
Garden 60 60 70 100
+36 (30) 399-3... Show
1028  Budapest II.
Templom u. 12.
Klebersberg Castle has got perfect features for accommodating various events. Built-in projector and sound system form parts of the two function rooms’ amenities. The huge windows not only let the light come in but they can provide a unique view onto the stunning park. Several section rooms can be set up as needed and be suitable for holding different programmes and events such as conferences, corporate meetings, team building events or high-end...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Hall 60 40 50 57
Section 40 30 30 35
Salon 50 45 40 47
Corvin meeting room 10 - 20 15
+36 (30) 713-1... Show
8600  Siófok
Vécsey Károly u. 20.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Conference Hall 50 30 40 65
+36 (30) 373-5... Show
2011  Budakalász
Omszk Park 3.
Our Omszk Sport team’s old dream came true: we thought it was time to introduce ourselves and start as an event venue. We worked a lot and would like to do the same in the future, so that the Omszk Sport could become one of the favourite event venues in a short time.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
One 800 m2 plastic court 600 300 800 800
Sports hall - handball court 800 450 1000 800
Two 6000 m2 football fields 5000 2500 6000 6000
Three 2400 m2 artificial grass court 2000 800 2000 2400
+36 (70) 318-6... Show
1084  Budapest VIII.
Déri Miksa utca 6.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
60 40 60 75
+36 (67) 654-1... Show
6060  Tiszakécske
Rózsabarack tér 2
You will find everything you need at the Barack Thermal Resort, to make your event memorable. The venue, our colleagues’ maximal attention, and the honest hospitality, which we represent as a family business for 36 years are guarantee this. There are only a few venues in Hungary, where you can find everything in a complex way: accommodation types for the various needs, diverse gastronomy, several exciting outdoor venues, elegant event rooms, and...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Sunshine 100 80 100 149
Almond 20 16 20 33
Rose 20 16 20 33
Sunshine+Almond+Rose 150 120 150 215
+36 (1) 371-52... Show
1115  Budapest XI.
Kelenföldi út 1-13
The four-star Anna Hotel (SZ19OOO85) located in Budapest's XI. district, close to the M7 and M1 motorways,  but in a quiet, pleasant area. Our hotel, which opened in 2017, has 49 air-conditioned rooms, with all of the needs of business travelers. In addition to the traditional domestic flavors, our restaurant, the Mimama's Kitchen also offers specialties of international cuisine. In the beautiful garden surrounding the hotel, our guests can feel...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Conference Hall 80 60 50 98
Mimama's Kitchen Restaurant 80 60 1 174
+36 (30) 533-3... Show
1085  Budapest VIII.
Üllői út 30
An innovative institute opened in Budapest in May 2018: the first Single Parents’ Centre. This is unique not only in Hungary but also internationally, offering a wide range of services and programs for single parents, their kids and others.   •   The center has been founded in the middle of Budapest, close to frequented metro, bus and tram stations.   •   After a long and thorough reconstruction it has been changed into a modern, friendly and ope...

Event halls (6) theatre banquet standing m2
Meeting room (ground floor) 12 12 12 21
Consulting room (first floor) 15 15 15 20
Common space (ground floor) 40 40 40 50
Children's corner (ground floor) 12 12 12 34
Coffee bar (ground floor) 65 65 65 85
Coffee bar + common space 100 100 100 135
Found: 301-310 result   |   total: 416
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