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Found: 331-340 result   |   total: 416
+36 (34) 494-4... Show
2824  Várgesztes
"Villapark Várgesztes is located in the middle of Hungary, only 70 km away from Budapest and Győr, 15 km away from M1 highway. 125 detached villas, each with accomodation for 8 people provides quarters for almost a thousand people for fair price and value. Conference rooms, restaurant and covered theme bath in the main building and sport courses, pool and slides in the park makes Villapark an ideal event location. At the top of the Park Centrum b...

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Haga 100 100 220 220
Unio 200 140 300 300
Breda 40 20 40 40
+36 (20) 443-2... Show
2612  Kosd
Bocskai utca vége

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Panorama Terrace - 50 60 100
Event Cellar - 50 60 90
+36 (30) 629-9... Show
2653  Bánk
Petőfi út 73.
The To (Lake) Wellness Hotel is a modern and elegant wellness hotel in the northern part of Hungary. It is located in Bank, 60 km far from Budapest, about 15 minutes drive from Vác on the main roads number 2/a and 2. The hotel is located at the meeting point of Börzsöny and Cserhát mountains, on the picturesque shore of Lake Bánk.

Event halls (8) theatre banquet standing m2
Jazz I. 45 30 45 56
Jazz II. 10 8 10 18
Jazz I. + II. 60 25 60 74
Jazz III. 25 18 25 38
Jazz IV. 25 18 25 38
Jazz III. + Jazz IV. 75 30 75 76
Dixie 15 12 15 21
Swing 50 16 50 50
+36 (30) 466-8... Show
8420  Zirc
8420 Zirc-Szarvaskút, Hrsz. 085/11.
Our hotel and golf complex, taking place in a picturesque environment, in the heart of Bakony, has perfect facilities to manage team buildings, conferences, smaller trainings and family gatherings. We have altogether 3 conference rooms and event locations, which are capable to host 10-60 people, have natural lighting and are equipped with the most modern technical equipments. Our small hall can be used as section room as well (for meetings, negot...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 30 30 40 50
Event tent 60 60 75 200
Section room with card room 15 15 15 24
Meeting room 40 30 40 50
+36 (30) 599-5... Show
2627  Zebegény
0157/84 HRSZ.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Event room 20 20 25 45
Terrace 40 30 40 60
+36 (96) 547-7... Show
9027  Győr
Budai út 4-6.
The Hotel Famulus**** is one of the biggest capacity conference centers in Győr and around Győr and it has got a most modern technique. Its rooms with different sizes are ideal for different events from smaller meetings to bigger events, teambuildings. All conference rooms have natural lighting, they can be darkened and they have air-condition.

Event halls (8) theatre banquet standing m2
Bratislava 15 - 15 19
Vienna 40 30 40 39
Győr room 40 30 40 43
Educational 50 30 50 65
Budapest 180 120 200 155
Budapest 1. 60 40 60 79
Budapest 2. 40 30 40 39
Budapest 3. 40 30 40 39
+36 (30) 649-9... Show
1146  Budapest XIV.
Gundel Károly út 4.
The Gundel name became equal with quality, elegance and one of a kind gastronomy, during it’s 127 year history. The mission of the world-famous Restaurant has not changed since the opening: to create something new and startling, the trends they created still play a major role in defining the traditional Hungarian gastronomy. This is how history meets innovation, spiced up with a little creative twist, presented in an elegant setting. Premium qual...

Event halls (12) theatre banquet standing m2
150 180 260 196
60 70 70 24
200 160 200 168
60 60 70 24
40 30 50 42
20 10 20 22
16 20 20 20
40 30 30 31
10 10 10 19
- 6 - 11
160 140 200 240
450 520 800 2350
+36 (30) 661-3... Show
2890  Tata
Fáklya utca 4.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
80 80 80 90
40 40 40 35
120 120 120 -
30 30 30 20
+36 (64) 640-0... Show
3517  Miskolc
Erzsébet sétány 1.

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Hunyadi room 250 160 200 124
Beatrix room 75 - 80 80
Anjou room 20 - 30 30
Renaissance room 40 - 45 50
Nagy Lajos room 30 25 30 45
+36 (30) 651-2... Show
2072  Zsámbék
Nyárfás utca 2.
Szépia Bio & Art Hotel has opened in May 2009. Since then the hotel has became the favourite training hotel of the region. It is located only 5 km away from M1 highway and can be easily approached. It has got 65 rooms and 6 spacious, shiny conference rooms which meet modern requirements. Event halls are with convertable walls therefore they can be separated, adapted to the needs of the events. – You can host your relatives and friends comfortably...

Event halls (7) theatre banquet standing m2
Ferenczy 90 80 100 110
Plenary 110 80 110 120
Mednyánszky 60 40 60 70
Színyei 40 40 40 50
Gulácsy 30 18 30 40
Barabás 30 18 30 40
Board Room 10 10 10 36
Found: 331-340 result   |   total: 416
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