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Found: 341-350 result   |   total: 416
+36 (30) 466-8... Show
8420  Zirc
8420 Zirc-Szarvaskút, Hrsz. 085/11.
Our hotel and golf complex, taking place in a picturesque environment, in the heart of Bakony, has perfect facilities to manage team buildings, conferences, smaller trainings and family gatherings. We have altogether 3 conference rooms and event locations, which are capable to host 10-60 people, have natural lighting and are equipped with the most modern technical equipments. Our small hall can be used as section room as well (for meetings, negot...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 30 30 40 50
Section room with card room 15 15 15 24
Meeting room 40 30 40 50
Event tent 60 60 75 200
+36 (21) 474-8... Show
3915  Tarcal
Fő utca 94.
Built in the 1700s, the Mansion can be a beautiful venue for any business event, be it a conference, meeting, presentation, press conference, protocol event or training. With rooms of different sizes and capacities, equipped with AV equipment and luxurious services, we await our guests in the World Heritage Tokaj-Hegyalja. We are happy to help you organise a formal or casual event for 2 to 150 people, and our catering service, which invites you o...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Event hall gallery 50 30 60 146
Event hall 150 80 150 315
Conference room 20 20 30 42
Salon 30 30 60 90
+36 (64) 640-0... Show
3517  Miskolc
Erzsébet sétány 1.

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Renaissance room 40 - 45 50
Anjou room 20 - 30 30
Beatrix room 75 - 80 80
Hunyadi room 250 160 200 124
Nagy Lajos room 30 25 30 45
+36 (1) 327-31... Show
1106  Budapest X.
Kerepesi út 87.
Meeting, function and assembly rooms can accommodate from 10 participants up to a total of 280. Integrated design and flexible partitioning systems allow for maximum convenience in terms of space and layout. Several small-scale events can be held simultaneously, or alternatively, attendees can opt for large general meetings. The Center’s Conference Planner can assist with the most complex event needs, including program planning, seating, catering...

Event halls (12) theatre banquet standing m2
Moszkva 20 - - 30
Berlin 20 - - 30
Brüsszel 20 - - 30
Budapest 280 150 280 325
Prága I-II-III. 180 150 180 190
Varsó 120 100 120 120
Tokió 80 120 150 144
Prága I-II. és Prága II-III. 100 100 120 120
New York I; New York II. 40 - - 60
New York I-II. 80 - - 120
Prága I; Prága II; Prága III. 40 50 60 60
London 30 - - 45
+36 (20) 567-7... Show
8600  Siófok
Vitorlás u. 14.
Enjoy the peace, harmony and closeness of nature in Hotel Yacht**** Wellness & Business with its stunning lake-front position in Siófok, which is only an hour’s drive from Budapest. The conference centre with a flexible room set-up (with its 250 people capacity), the air-conditioned restaurant and winter garden with a view to Balaton (with 150 people capacity) and the cosy 200 square meter rooftop bar awaits our guests.

Event halls (5) theatre banquet standing m2
Nautic 1. 50 36 60 54
Nautic 2. 40 24 50 44
Nautic 3. 55 40 70 62
Nautic 1+2+3 200 125 200 160
Fregatt 74 50 90 80
+36 (99) 314-2... Show
9400  Sopron
Lővér körút 37.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Tent 250 180 300 200
Hotel Szieszta Restaurant 250 180 350 200
Conference room I. floor 100 70 120 140
+36 (70) 669-5... Show
1036  Budapest III.
Pacsirtamező 41-43.

Event halls (6) theatre banquet standing m2
- 25 30 30
Bistro 60 40 80 120
Oval room 80 60 200 320
Terrace 80 60 100 160
Fine dining - 16 25 26
Bistro 2 80 60 100 210
+36 (70) 377-0... Show
1037  Budapest III.
Folyondár utca 15.
The Folyondár Sport centre is located in a highlighted area of the 3rd district, in the border of the Kiscelli park forest. The lately modernized and extended complex provides a satisfying environment for sports, dancing, and holding other events as well. The tennis fans are welcome in one of the 10 cinder courts, from that 7 are covered. The dance education takes place in two newly built dance-room, one is 100m2, and the other is 200 m2. The lar...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Outdoor 600 600 600 19000
Hall room 1200 900 1200 1650
Dance room 100 84 100 100
Balett hall 100 80 100 100
+36 (30) 087-7... Show
2500  Esztergom
Berényi u. 4.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event hall 60 45 70 150
+36 (70) 786-9... Show
1134  Budapest XIII.
Váci út 45.
The conference centre (myconference) located in the myhive Átrium Park complex, it offers ideal conditions for shorter meetings, longer business events or even formal standing receptions.The location meets the highest demands of modern working and living. So it can meet all the requirements for a smaller meeting up to a conference with 70 persons. The inner courtyard of the office building is giving a home for a richly planted garden.The conferen...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
myconference - meeting room 03 16 16 16 26
myconference - meeting room 02 6 6 6 12
yconference - meeting room 01 8 8 8 16
myconference - conference room 70 70 70 100
Found: 341-350 result   |   total: 416
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