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Found: 371-380 result   |   total: 414
+36 (30) 308-8... Show
1165  Budapest XVI.
Bökényföldi út 27.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Room 150 100 120 200
Sport center - - 300 30000
+36 (96) 900-4... Show
9019  Győr
Ménfői u. 64.
Be it a holiday, a short business trip or just a stopover LAND PLAN Hotel awaits you in a busy but still quiet environment. Organizing small meetings, big events, trainings? We can fulfil all the requirements. The restaurant with a big capacity is a perfect location for all kinds of events. The entire hotel is equipped with air-conditioning system and meets most of the technical requirements. In spring and summer the park located next to the hote...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
45 40 40 42
LandPub 74 60 60 100
Restaurant 120 80 100 100
Terrace 120 90 100 120
+36 (30) 868-8... Show
2536  Nyergesújfalu
Németvölgy 112.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Wine terrace 200 125 300 517
Mediterranean restaurant 60 50 70 96
Cellar 30 - 30 36
+36 (56) 200-1... Show
5400  Mezőtúr
Hercegasszony útja 1.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Conference room 30 20 20 80
Garden 50 40 50 100
+36 (1) 266-31... Show
1088  Budapest VIII.
Pollack Mihály tér 3.
We would like to contribute to the success of the events in our palace with specially decorated halls and high quality services, so guests can experience something really special and unique. It is a perfect venue for concerts, weddings, receptions, and all kinds of events which require an environment with classical beauty and elegance. The rooms are equipped with the latest technologies and an interpreting booth. One of the greatest benefit of...

Event halls (8) theatre banquet standing m2
Mirror Hall 160 120 150 150
Marble Hall - - 30 47
Andrassy Hall 60 50 70 81
Festetics Hall 40 40 50 64
Garden 150 120 250 270
Auditorium Maximum 116 96 116 104
Seminarium I 25 18 25 50
Seminarium II 40 24 40 44
1039  Budapest III.
Királyok útja 289.
The Metropolitan Waterworks Companies Education and Sports Center, that is reflecting the special atmoshere of the Danube river bank, is located in Békásmegyer, Budapest, 3th Királyok street 289. The resorts territory close to 20, 000 m2, located in a well-kept park, with a separated parking place. Budapest's one of the clearest, heated pools of water are providing a pleasant time consuming for our guests. The sites main building is the program t...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Tent 800 600 900 600
Training room 50 50 70 105
+36 (30) 122-6... Show
1093  Budapest IX.
Fővám tér 11-12.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Hall 500 800 800 1100
+36 (30) 096-5... Show
8174  Balatonkenese
Balatoni út 75.
We are waiting for you with an ideal event location on the shores of Lake Balaton all year round! The Délceg Réce is waiting for you with open doors even in winter. Company end-of-year party or a gathering of friends on New Year's Eve? Book the whole house now and spend a few unforgettable days on the shores of Lake Balaton in winter with the fire crackling in the fireplace! Enjoy the benefits of the sauna and jacuzzi even in the winter cold! Soc...

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Flossy event room 30 25 30 45
Grill Terrace 20 15 20 20
+36 (96) 547-7... Show
9027  Győr
Budai út 4-6.
The Hotel Famulus**** is one of the biggest capacity conference centers in Győr and around Győr and it has got a most modern technique. Its rooms with different sizes are ideal for different events from smaller meetings to bigger events, teambuildings. All conference rooms have natural lighting, they can be darkened and they have air-condition.

Event halls (8) theatre banquet standing m2
Bratislava 15 - 15 19
Vienna 40 30 40 39
Győr room 40 30 40 43
Educational 50 30 50 65
Budapest 180 120 200 155
Budapest 1. 60 40 60 79
Budapest 2. 40 30 40 39
Budapest 3. 40 30 40 39
+36 (30) 265-6... Show
1033  Budapest III.
Bécsi út 38-44.

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Buda Gourmet Bistro 70 60 70 90
Found: 371-380 result   |   total: 414
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