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Found: 391-400 result   |   total: 416
+36 (20) 240-4... Show
8784  Kehidakustány
Golf utca 1.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Event Hall 60 90 100 120
Club House 90 90 150 200
+36 (70) 240-0... Show
1075  Budapest VII.
Kazinczy u. 24.
In the Kazinczy Street, right at number 24, where the smell of burnt wood and smoked meat is spreading, there you can find Fat Mama. In summer we can host with a huge garden and a giant projector up to 250 people, and in winter with a heated, glass-surrounded terrace up to 120 people - concerts, fashion shows, markets, wine and palinka tastings, puppet theater, garden cinema, business breakfasts, -lunch and -dinners, receptions, girls and bachelo...

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Restaurant 40 70 100 120
Winter Garden 30 50 50 50
Garden 120 150 200 700
+36 (30) 220-8... Show
1044  Budapest IV.
Váci út 83.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
50 50 50 70
50 50 100 70
+36 (70) 521-5... Show
8171  Balatonvilágos
Petőfi Sándor utca 46.
Hedon Craft Brewery is more than just a place where we make beer! On the territory of our distillery we have created a community space that is open to everyone. The park located near the lake Balaton shore provides an opportunity for entertainment, relaxation and active recreation, and of course for a glass of refreshing craft beer and food. Whether you are a beer lover, a local resident, a tired cyclist, a family or a group of friends traveling...

Event halls (1) theatre banquet standing m2
Venue 70 50 70 75
+36 (20) 316-0... Show
6085  Fülöpszállás
Hármaspuszta tanya 11.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Mezősi room 60 40 50 60
Event hall 400 300 360 400
Muskátlis room 200 100 120 200
+36 (70) 397-0... Show
1122  Budapest XII.
Városmajor 6835/17 hrsz.

Event halls (2) theatre banquet standing m2
Dancing room 100 100 250 180
Grill terrace - - 100 100
+36 (20) 946-2... Show
2112  Veresegyház

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
Garden II. 30 30 30 30
Outdoor 400 400 400 80000
Garden I. 50 50 50 50
+36 (20) 669-7... Show
2310  Szigetszentmiklós
Tököli út 184.

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Oazis Restaurant Terrace - 25 70 55
Oazis Restaurant - 70 85 85
Event Hall 200 130 250 270
Garden Bistro 50 25 50 50
+36 (70) 434-7... Show
8638  Balatonlelle
9033/11 hrsz.
Rádpuszta – a place, where all adventurous recreation is waiting for you. Balatonlelle-Rádpuszta Gasztro Élménybirtok (Gastro Theme Park) is a stunning estate, blessed with unique regional characteristics and environmental conditions.     •     One of the most prominent gastro centre of our estate is our Nádfedeles Tradicionális csárda (Thatched Traditional Jerry), which has become the flagship of the estate’s experience-services for a reason wit...

Event halls (4) theatre banquet standing m2
Roofed Jerry 150 100 148 190
Event Hall 380 200 380 400
Summer Event Tent 400 200 400 400
Jerry 600 300 600 550
+36 (30) 230-8... Show
8251  Zánka
Vérkúti út 120.

Event halls (3) theatre banquet standing m2
80 48 80 100
Bamboo Bistro 80 90 120 140
Winter garden 60 70 90 100
Found: 391-400 result   |   total: 416
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